About Coaching

What is Coaching ?

Coaching is a collaborative results orientated process which centres on helping individuals to learn more about themselves, find out how they are perceived by others and improve on areas of their personal and professional lives that they are not currently satisfied with.


I invite you to read the ‘About you’ page which gives you a snapshot of my last 25 clients, together with the testimonial section of this website.


People seek coaching for many reasons but the common denominator seems to be that they are undergoing a change in their lives.


Have you ever looked at one of your friends, colleagues or extended family and wondered how they seem to have it all?

Fulfilment, success, happiness?

Have you paused to ask yourself what kind of mindset you have? Do you have a fear of discovering yourself?

If you’re not sure what I mean please read on.

I believe our thoughts have powerful effects on everyday behaviour and the way we act is a reflection of what we think.

What I can tell you is that once you have a true understanding your own mindset you are then in a position to change that mindset at critical moments in your life.

This enables you not simply to survive but to thrive.

As your mindset coach I will empower you to reframe your beliefs and create goals that are realistically achievable without judgement, fear or limitations. I will focus on the present critical moments in your life.

Together in a collaborative partnership we will navigate my EMBRACE program.

Evaluate : where you are now and why coaching now?

Motivate : realistic short-term and long-term goal setting.

Believe : in yourself and if not explore why not?

Recognise : yourself, your beliefs, values, limitations.

Accountability : for goals and targets.

Clarity : for the future.

Empower : you for now and forever.

The mindset transformation coaching you receive will be bespoke, rather than formulaic - I will inspire you to turn your aspirations into actions that leave you feeling invigorated and optimistic.

Underpinning your coaching will be concepts to establish resilience, self-compassion and how to discover inner joy. 

Get in touch now to book your complimentary discovery call today and let’s see how I can help you.